Water Conservation

Fresh, clean water is a limited resource. People who have access to fresh water can take steps to limit their use of water to avoid waste. Water conservation reduces energy use and can even save households money. The less water a household uses, the less they have to pay each period. Appliances that use water, such as washing machines and dishwashers, also use a considerable amount of energy.

People can save water by making smart choices at home. They should only use appliances that rely on water when those appliances are full. For example, a family should wait to use the dishwasher until it is completely loaded with dishes. Surprisingly, using the dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand. Other ways to conserve water include taking shorter showers and only watering gardens and lawns when necessary.

Older toilets use around five or six gallons of water every time they are flushed. If the toilet cannot be replaced, one way to save water is to put a brick or a soda bottle full of water into the tank. The brick will displace water, meaning less is needed. New models of toilet use around 1.6 gallons of water per flush. For more information on how you can do your part to conserve water, click on the links below. Information from the MN Rural Water Association, the University of Minnesota Extension, and the Environmental Protection Agency. 

MN Rural Water Conservation Facts 

Water Use Habits

Interesting Facts About Water

Daily Usage Facts and Fixing Leaky Toilets

Water Saving Strategies for Lawns

Auditing Irrigation Systems

Drip Calculator

EPA Link to Ground and Drinking Water

MN DNR Water Conservation Tips and Information

WaterSense Info for water conservation

 NEW! Water Conservation Tips