
Do I need a Permit?

The City of Minnetonka Beach issues permits for building, plumbing, mechanical, right of way, grading and misc. projects.

Electrical permits and inspections are conducted by the State Electrical Inspector. 

Projects may also require a permit from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Please check out the MCWD permitting page below to find out!

When replacing a DRIVEWAY, please contact City Hall to discuss as a permit may be required.

Beginning January 1, 2023, the fee for Right-of-Way Permits is $250.00.

Permits can be applied for and paid online with check or debit/credit. Click to pay online for your permit: Online permit payment . Payments can also be made by phone: 1-866-917-7368.

NOTE: Online bills are a free service. Payment convenience fees apply. $1.50 for online checks and savings payments, $2.45 for automated phone checks and savings payments; $3.75 for live representative checks and savings payments; 2.95% (+$0.95 if under $100.00) for online/automated phone credit and debit card payments. An additional $2.25 applies to credit/debit card payments made by live representative phone calls.