Docks - City Dock Permits
The City has a multiple dock license through the Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD) for approximately 80 slips located in various locations in Minnetonka Beach. The program was originally designed to give non-riparian (non-lakeshore) homeowners in Minnetonka Beach access to Lake Minnetonka. There are six different priority levels which are listed in the City Code for Docks link on this website page. Residents must provide their own docks, lifts and boathouses (where allowed), the City rents the lake access space. There is a waiting list for each dock location that residents can place their name on for specific locations as well.
City Dock Permits are issued annually with dock slip renters (residents only) having the first option for slip renewal each year. Residents can contact City Hall for program details and dock slip availability. Once approved, Dock Slip rentals can be paid by check or online. Click here to pay your permit fee: Online permit payment . Payments can also be made by phone by calling: 1-866-917-7368.
NOTE: Online bills are a free service. Payment convenience fees apply. $1.50 for online checks and savings payments, $2.45 for automated phone checks and savings payments; $3.75 for live representative checks and savings payments; 2.95% (+$0.95 if under $100.00) for online/automated phone credit and debit card payments. An additional $2.25 applies to credit/debit card payments made by live representative phone calls.