Dock Permit Application Procedures, Rules and Regulations


Review the City Code to become familiar with the City Ordinance relating to the construction and use of municipal docks.  Please be advised that the City provides only the location for docks to be placed.  The City does not own or maintain any dock structures for resident use.  You may have to purchase new dock sections and/or share in the cost of docks with current owners.  Costs will also include placement, removal and storage of dock sections.


City Code does allow for a waiting list to be maintained.  If you wish to be placed on this list please submit your request in writing and include the date, your address, current dock site and dock site desired.  Any site at docks 12-14 will be considered on site.


If you have any questions or comments please call City Hall, 952-471-8878.


Permits can be applied for and paid for online. Click to pay online for your permit: Online permit payment . Payments can also be made by phone: 1-866-917-7368. Permits can be emailed to: 

NOTE: Online bills are a free service. Payment convenience fees apply. $1.50 for online checks and savings payments, $2.45 for automated phone checks and savings payments; $3.75 for live representative checks and savings payments; 2.95% (+$0.95 if under $100.00) for online/automated phone credit and debit card payments. An additional $2.25 applies to credit/debit card payments made by live representative phone calls.  


How Do I Get a Dock?

Residents may apply for a dock permit in one of many locations around the City.  See the Dock Ordinance for more information or call City Hall.

Permits can be applied for and paid for online. Click to pay online for your permit: Online permit payment . Payments can also be made by phone: 1-866-917-7368.

NOTE: Online bills are a free service. Payment convenience fees apply. $1.50 for online checks and savings payments, $2.45 for automated phone checks and savings payments; $3.75 for live representative checks and savings payments; 2.95% (+$0.95 if under $100.00) for online/automated phone credit and debit card payments. An additional $2.25 applies to credit/debit card payments made by live representative phone calls.