Cat and Dog Licenses


License Tags

Ø      Must be permanently attached to each animal’s collar and worn at all times.

Ø      Tag is not transferable to any other animal or to new owner of animal.


Dogs Running at Large

Ø      Prohibited

Ø      Off of owner’s property dogs must be on a leash not exceeding 6 feet.


Barking Dogs

Dogs shall not be allowed to “unreasonably cause noise, disturbance or annoyance” which can be heard from a location outside the premises where it is being kept. Definition:

Ø      Noise which occurs continually during a 20 minute or longer period between

               7 a.m. – 10 p.m. or;

Ø      During a 10 minute or longer period between 10 p.m. – 7 a.m.


Dangerous Dogs

Dangerous dog registration is required by Chapter 711, Minnesota Statute 347.50, Subdivision 2.  Contact the Orono Police Dept. (249-4700) for further information.

Ø      Animals that have bitten are to be impounded for a period of 10 days at owner’s expense.


Dog Waste

Ø      No owner shall permit his/her dog to damage or foul any other private or public property.

Ø      An owner is responsible for cleaning up the feces of their animal and dispose of in a sanitary manner.


Impounded Dogs

Ø      Impounded dogs will be released to their owners, provided the owner pays all penalties and impound costs.  Animals not claimed after 5 days may be disposed of or adopted.


Release Fees – Payable at City Hall Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., or at the Humane Society of Wright County after hours.

Ø      FIRST OFFENSE/YEAR        $ 60.00

Ø      SECOND OFFENSE               $ 80.00


Ø      Kennel charges payable at impound site.


Impound Location

Greater West Metro Humane Society

4375 Highway 55 SE(3 mi. west of Rockford)

Buffalo, MN  55313   Phone: 763-682-7061

Animal Licenses can be applied for and paid for online. Click to pay online for your license: Animal License Payment. Payments can also be made by phone: 1-866-917-7368.

NOTE: Online bills are a free service. Payment convenience fees apply. $1.50 for online checks and savings payments, $2.45 for automated phone checks and savings payments; $3.75 for live representative checks and savings payments; 2.95% (+$0.95 if under $100.00) for online/automated phone credit and debit card payments. An additional $2.25 applies to credit/debit card payments made by live representative phone calls.