The City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach is a boot shaped peninsula located on Lake Minnetonka. There are 228 homes and 535 residents. The City is primarily residential with the exception of the Lafayette Club and St. Martin's Church. Careful planning has allowed the City to maintain open space and park lands, and to retain the "village" atmosphere.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of the Village of Minnetonka Beach, Hennepin County, MN
will hold a Truth in Taxation meeting on Monday December 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
The Truth in Taxation meeting is an annual public meeting where the budget and tax levy for the upcoming year are discussed, and where taxpayers are given an opportunity to voice their concerns and comments over the jurisdiction’s proposed budget. All those wishing to be heard should appear at this time. At the regular City Council meeting on December 9th, the final budget will be adopted and tax levy certified to the County for taxes payable in 2025. Residents have received their Truth in Taxation notice from the Hennepin County Auditor showing the maximum property tax levy for 2025 which was based on a preliminary levy set in September. The statement has a breakdown of the maximum property taxes by county, city, school district and other taxing districts and the date and time for each entity’s hearing. Residents can attend and speak at any of the hearings shown on the notice. Residents often mistake this hearing with the annual Local Board of Review meeting when residents can appeal their property values. This meeting is called the Local Board of Review, and it will be in April.
Jane Burgess, City Clerk
Posted November 18, 2024