Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste cart Services


The City of Minnetonka Beach contracts with Republic Services for garbage, recycling and yard waste cart services.  The phone number for Republic Services is 952-941-5174. Republic Services provides garbage pick-up every Friday unless noted on the schedule as Saturday.  Residents are allowed 96 gallons of trash per week.  Republic Services will also pick up bulky items above and beyond regular trash pick-up for an extra fee.  Call Republic for pricing and pre-payment for extra pick-up services.   



Republic Services provides "single sort" recycling pick-up every other Friday of every month unless noted on the schedule. 


The City now offers organics recycling! Food scraps, pizza boxes and more can be placed into the locked organics recycling container located at Public Works at 2510 Woodbridge Rd under the water tower. Call City Hall for the combo. Complete information is on the City website at:



Republic Services pick up holiday trees as part of their services. Remove all decorations and wire, do not wrap the tree in plastic, and place the tree out by 7 am on January 15, 2022.   Wreaths, garlands, and swags are picked up with regular trash. 






Subscribe to the new (optional) Republic Services Yard Waste cart program for disposal of plants, grass, branches and landscape waste. Friday pickups of yard waste are mid-April through Thanksgiving for $103 for the season. Republic Services will deliver yard waste carts to subscribers which are similar to trash and recycling carts. No scheduling of pickups necessary. Call 952-941-5174 and press #4 for new services, then #2 for new services (again), and then #2 for existing customers to sign up. They offer an on-call pickup service as well using brown compostable bags you purchase. Complete details are on link below from our website:








Christmas tree pickup by Republic Services

Republic Services picks up Christmas trees in Minnetonka Beach the first two Fridays in January as they coincide with trash pickup dates. Place your tree with no items left on it at the edge of your property near your trash cart. Wreathes should go in trash. 

NEW in 2022! Organics Recycling Program for Residents

 Why Did Minnetonka Beach Institute Organics Recycling?


Hennepin County Ordinance 13 requires municipalities of a certain size to offer all residents in one-through four-plex households the opportunity to receive either curbside or container organics collection. Following guidance from the Metropolitan Solid Waste Management Policy, and the Hennepin County Solid Waste Management Master Plan, the City of Minnetonka Beach decided to implement a one container locked receptacle program for organics recycling rather than individual curbside cart collection at residences. This program is no charge to our residents, diverts the most material from the waste stream, and offers residents the opportunity to help reduce food waste and other materials which comprise up to 40% of typical municipal solid waste (trash.) 

Food scraps, soiled paper, and compostable products - including messy pizza boxes - can all be put in the organics receptacle located near the Minnetonka Beach Public Works Facility at 2510 Woodbridge Rd near the City water tower.